Flute Studio Accomplishments
2021-2022 School Year!
Congratulations to all flutists for all your hard work!
Special Honors
Shannen – ILMEA District 1 Band, Naperville Youth Symphony Orchestra, Senior Flute Recital, Honorable Mention LTHS Concerto Competition, LTHS Wind Ensemble - Superstate
Julia – Honorable Mention CFC Student Competition, ILMEA Jr H Band
Larysa – LTHS Wind Ensemble – Superstate
Sophie – RBHS, John Phillip Sousa Award!
Suzuki Book Graduations
Shannen McGinn – Book 8, 9, 10, 11
Bryan Pan – Book 5, 6
Julia Ellis – Book 3
Chase Edwards – Book 3
ILMEA Auditions
Larysa Shannen
Sophie Julia
Youth Orchestra Auditions
Julia – CYSO
Spring Studio Recital participation
Shannen, Emma, Isabelle, Chase, Shivan, Larysa, Calan, Julia, Sophie
Participation in School Solo & Ensemble Festivals
Sophie, Shannen, Larysa, Emma, Isabelle, Julia, Calan, Kellen
School Band/Orchestra or Ensemble Participation
Shannen, Calan, Kellen, Larysa, Emma, Isabelle, Shivan, Sophie, Julia
Graduating Seniors
Larysa, Sophie, Shannen
2021-2022 School Year!
Congratulations to all flutists for all your hard work!
Special Honors
Shannen – ILMEA District 1 Band, Naperville Youth Symphony Orchestra, Senior Flute Recital, Honorable Mention LTHS Concerto Competition, LTHS Wind Ensemble - Superstate
Julia – Honorable Mention CFC Student Competition, ILMEA Jr H Band
Larysa – LTHS Wind Ensemble – Superstate
Sophie – RBHS, John Phillip Sousa Award!
Suzuki Book Graduations
Shannen McGinn – Book 8, 9, 10, 11
Bryan Pan – Book 5, 6
Julia Ellis – Book 3
Chase Edwards – Book 3
ILMEA Auditions
Larysa Shannen
Sophie Julia
Youth Orchestra Auditions
Julia – CYSO
Spring Studio Recital participation
Shannen, Emma, Isabelle, Chase, Shivan, Larysa, Calan, Julia, Sophie
Participation in School Solo & Ensemble Festivals
Sophie, Shannen, Larysa, Emma, Isabelle, Julia, Calan, Kellen
School Band/Orchestra or Ensemble Participation
Shannen, Calan, Kellen, Larysa, Emma, Isabelle, Shivan, Sophie, Julia
Graduating Seniors
Larysa, Sophie, Shannen